Turn the Other Cheek
Those were some pretty funny comments made by Alfred Campbell, Chairman of the Hamlin Republican Committee, in Wednesday's D&C. The story was about the energized Democrats who have shocked Republicans throughout the county by assembling a slate of candidates to run for local office here in town.
Right off the bat Campbell attacked, accusing the Dems. of putting forward candidates who hadn’t met with Republican approval!
In a previous D&C article, Democratic Town Leader Steve Klafehn had expressed the hope that local Democrats could work together with Republicans. To which Campbell said, “the slate doesn’t appear to be in keeping with Klafehn’s professed interest in having Republican leaders and Democrats work amicably together.” Apparently, Campbell believed that Steve’s words had given Republicans the right to select Democratic candidates!
Campbell then went on, trying to suggest a breach among the Dems saying, “If the Democrats put up candidates with different agendas, it might undermine what Steve is doing with the party.” It is certainly gratifying that the Republicans show such concern over the solidarity of their opposition.
However, Al is not familiar with the constitution of a typical Democratic organization. Unlike the tight lipped, lock step culture of the Hamlin Republicans, local Dems thrive on their differences. They reject stasis and blind conformity. They embrace diversity and believe that the best solutions evolve from conflicting ideas.
Also, in typical fashion, Mr. Campbell is guilty of the very thing he accuses the Dems of. Instead of nurturing an “amicable” relationship, his first comments to the media are divisive and aggressive. He has not offered an open hand or greeting. Instead of, “We welcome You!” he puts forward dark suggestions of dissent.
Perhaps that’s to be expected. Given that his own organization is embroiled in a contentious primary, it’s no wonder he sees the shadows of discord everywhere.
The Hamlin Dems are fine. They are charged up. They are unified, enthused and argumentative. They are also forgiving. They hold no grudge toward the splintered Republican party and look forward to working with its remnants after the primary.