A replica of the throne of King Louis XIII
Tales From The Constipation Board
Hamlin’s Town Board has once again shown its contempt for the public. They have insulted the Conservation Board, violated their own precedents and proven that childish, petty politics are more important than the well being of the community.
Last Monday night the town held interviews for candidates for a vacancy on the Conservation Board. There were three applicants, and one was Ed Evans the retiring Town Board member (and former challenger to the Supervisor in last September’s primary.) After the interviews, Ed was selected by the members of the Conservation Board, by a vote of 5-0, to be the new member.
Ordinarily, the process that follows is this: The support Board meets with the Town Board and presents their recommendation. The combined group discusses the candidate and,
in all previous cases, the Town Board supports the recommendation and they vote to appoint the candidate.
This time no vote was permitted. The Supervisor would not allow it. This bureaucratic act effectively defeated Evans’ appointment, essentially slapping the Conservation Board in the face.
The reason Evans was denied is obvious. Austin Warner will not tolerate Ed Evans’ presence in the Town Hall. He is not mature enough to see beyond the past political challenge. Instead, he must bully his own Board while insulting the CB. Never mind the good of the community or the desires of the Conservation Board- Warner is intent on smacking down Evans for the effrontery of having challenged him.
I’ll show him who’s boss!
“To hell with the community. To hell with the Conservation Board. I’m petty, and I’m angry- and I’m going to push Ed’s face in it!”
What this incident reveals most clearly is the new complexion of the Town Board. Retread Rose sat silently as did George "Wake Me Up When It's Over" Todd. Good, silent soldiers obediently following the orders of their Oberfeurer. However, Shirley Hollink, who has despised and tangled with Evans for years, was gleeful in her attack on Evans’ credentials. [Their animosity stems from Evans’ anger and frustration about the “do-nothing” character of the Board. In the past, he has pointed out the fractional degree to which Ms. Hollink contributed to the Town. Ultimately, it was the Primary battle to defeat Evans which brought her into the Warner camp. Before that, she held both Evans and Warner equally in contempt!]
Unbelievably, Holloink’s attack on Evans was because he “didn’t have enough experience and didn’t get enough training.”
These are truly amazing statements! Hollink thinks she is entitled to claim this because
SHE just started taking the Monroe County Planning and Zoning training. She has served in local government for years and years and only recently began attending this basic program. Apparently she gets to lord it over others on the basis that she finally got off the stick.
[It should be noted that this basic training was to be a requirment for all Board Members under the Democratic Platform! Very original Shirley!]
Was Hollink right? What
are Evans’ credentials for the Conservation Board?
*He was a
founding member of it under Charlie Mayer. He served for four years before he was kicked off for being a Democrat!
* During this time, he also helped create and establish the LWRP (Local Waterfront Revitalization Program.) He is still head of that committee, and has recently completed a major overhaul of Hamlin’s LWRP Plan {A two year project!)
* He is a retired Science teacher with a
Master’s degree. He taught Earth Science and Biology at Hilton HS. Evans was practicing the very knowledge necessary to for a potent contribution to a Conservation Board.
He rejoined the CB in the early ‘90s and eventually became Vice-Chair. When he became a member of the Town Board he automatically became liaison to the Conservation Board. ***
He has been the liaison to the Conservation Board ever since. That means he has attended every meeting and reported the issues and concerns of that group to the Town Board. He has, effectively, been a member of the CB for nearly a decade.
* Equally as important,
Evans has also attended all meeting of the Zoning and Planning Boards as well! Evans is the only person in local government who attends the meetings of ALL THE BOARDS!. As he states,” I just don't see how you can do a good job at any one of the Boards without going to all of them. All of the issues cross over to the other boards at some point!” Evans is the only person who does this, he’s the only person with true perspective.
* Need more? Here is what Evans recently wrote about his environmental, educational and political service: “During this time, my school classes came into play too. I have used the lake erosion and town maps I had access to every year. When the spring storms started to overcome Yanty Marsh in 1996, (and the barrier was
reduced to a few feet in width which became a few inches in width by the spring of 1998!) I made tapes of the process of decline for my classes and sent copies of them to TV stations, various agencies in Albany, to the Park Service, the Army Corps of Engineers, newspapers, etc. During the summer of 1998, the media caught on and the government departments began to pay attention and work together. Soon a plan to save the marsh by constructing a new barrier wall was developed. Then when the money appeared, I helped quiet the last opposition (Fish and Game people and the Department of State.) After that, I made a video and photo record of the construction of the barrier wall during November and December of 1998. Now, both the DOT and the Army Corp use these materials to promote other mitigation projects throughout the sate!
During the Yanty Marsh project, I got close to the County EMC (Environmental Management Council) and the Army Corps. Several times I have put on programs for the EMC, and State Park sends me out to give tours of the wall to all kinds of groups!
But the connection to the Army Corps of Engineers (ACE) has been the best bonus for our community. Several times their trust in me has saved Hamlin projects from being shut down. They refer to me as “their eyes in Hamlin."
ACE representative came to Hamlin the day before Thanksgiving and asked me to show them three projects in the works. The benefit to Hamlin is that it really cuts down on the time needed to study local projects.
(The Army Corp wrote a letter of recommendation for Evans for the Conservation Board seat!)
So, as you can see, Evans has no “experience” that would be meaningful to Hamlin residents as a member of the CB. Who could possibly disagree with Ms. Hollink?
By the way, during this time Hollink has fought funding for the Town library while managing the lovely, but costly, “Hamlin- Where The Heart Is!” signs. She is also local curator of the “Monroe County in Bloom” project- which plants flowerbeds at intersections. Additionally, she is in charge of Hamlin's “Cultural Affairs.” As such, she has coordinated the Free Fishing Day and Children’s Luau in the Park, and our prestigious, non-political, Heritage Day.
Given this monumental body of accomplishment, how could Hollink not be furious with Evans for his accusing TB members of being “do-nothings?” Is it any wonder she would support Austin Warner in blocking Evans’ appointment?
Surely, keeping Ed Evans from contributing is best for the community.
After all, betterment of the community is the only thing the Town Board ever thinks about.
*** Naturally, Ed became a Republican during this time- a requirement for public service in Hamlin! 24% of local voters are independent; 22% are Democrats. That leaves a LOT of people off the contributors list! ed.