Warner Republicans react to survey.
January 2004
Another year has passed.
Where does the time go? I wish all residents the happiest and healthiest New Year ever. I just wanted to update you on a couple of projects.
The Comprehensive Master Plan Committee has been meeting since last January every third Tuesday of the month. Their charge has been to review the Comprehensive Master Plan, review all zoning codes, review developmental requests and to look at open space, do we as a town want to protect some of our agricultural land from development and if so where and at what cost. The committee mailed out 3400 questionnaires and received 911 back approximately 27% return, which is well above the normal return of 5-10%. The committee has the 52 questionnaire complied with all the answers as well as comments in a 260 page report. This will be one of our greatest resources to aid us in our task. The committee is in the process of reviewing all the information when it has been completed we will have an advertised informational meeting to review the answers with the public. We thank everyone who took the time to answer the questions. We will keep you informed of the process.
Construction has begun on Hamlin Kendall water district #1 ext.#6. The project should be completed by April. The application process is continuing on the Wiler Road Rt. 18 district with Clarkson. Construction should begin early spring.
Especially in these fiscally tight times and as we have in the past 4 years, we will continue to explore more ways to generate revenue for the Town and to continually keep expenses down.
Austin F. Warner, III, Supervisor, Town of Hamlin
Can you believe this?
Thank you Mr. Supervisor for the thoughtful, thorough “State of the Town” address.
What were the accomplishments of local government in 2003?
None apparently. The Comprehensive Plan/Zoning Code Rewrite Committee has been meeting for over a year with nothing to share with the taxpayers. The committee meetings are still closed to the public. Once again, Austin Warner brags about something he should be ashamed of.
Mr. Supervisor: Barring the public from an important public policy discussion is a disgrace. Don’t try to cover it up or put a positive spin on it. It is wrong, plain and simple. Excluding the tax-payers from the review of zoning and planning is something you, and all the members of the committee, should be deeply ashamed about.
Next on the Supervisor’s list is the town survey. It’s interesting that Mr. Warner wrote so glowingly about this project. He did so because he wrote it in January! By February, the results were in- and they aren’t pretty. Publicity promoting the survey has all but vanished from public view because the results were so devastatingly critical of the administration!
There are twenty eight pages of public “comment” and much of it is highly critical of local government. The public speaks most clearly here about what it wants Hamlin to be. Residents recognize that the motives of the administration, and it’s cronyism, threatens the town’s future. They are hopping mad about it.
(http://www.hamlinny.org/Support_Boards/master_plan_committee.html Click on “Additional Comments”)
The results from the questionnaire are also a disaster. The town was determined to “do this our way” and shows it. Supervisor Warner would not fund an expert to design the survey, so the results are a mish-mash of meaningless numbers. Some questions have responses which add up to 100%, others add up to 184% or 212% or whatever. There is no key, no qualifiers, no explanation. The data is meaningless, it is useless.
Warner and his cronies tried to shape the questionnaire to produce the results they wanted- and it backfired. The data is so wildly confusing that anyone, promoting any issue, will find both positive and negative data available for their position.
The questionnaire results are useless, they give no insight into the community. They show only that there is a diversity of opinion.
We knew that.
Finally, The Supervisor cites two new water districts. One under way and one “pending.” As everyone knows, it is the residents who create waterlines, not the Supervisor. Austin Warner’s contribution is an introductory schmoozing meeting to describe the application process. It is strictly PR. The plan goes ahead because the residents push for it. Warner takes credit for it anyway.
There you have it Hamlin, the accomplishments of an entire year: A important committee, which is closed to the public and has produced no results; A failed survey whose greatest feature is an indictment of the incompetence of the administration; and one new waterline.
2003- it was a fine year for local government! They didn’t accomplish a damn thing except to embarrass themselves.
Once again.