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He knows when you've been naughty...
Most people are probably unaware that Hamlin’s previous Building Inspector, Larry Gursslin, has filed a notice of claim against the town. This is a lawsuit. Gursslin, who was publicly fired without reason, is suing for defamation and libel. He wants his job back and his reputation restored.
Gursslin was fired, without cause given, in a very contentious public meeting of the Town Board on October 13, 2003. Many, many residents liked Larry and were concerned about the lack of justification for the firing. Two town board members, Ed Evans and Paul Rath, were visibly upset with the lack of process and the secrecy used by Supervisor Warner in the matter. Both men read detailed objections into the public record.
One item Gursslin is suing for is his earned vacation pay! Can you imagine that? The town of Hamlin has refused to pay him what he earned! Can you imagine how you would feel if an employer did that to you? Plenty of local people have been laid off, but no self respecting company would be so low as to try to screw an employee out of money they’d already earned.
Except in Hamlin! What could possibly possess the Supervisor to be so cheap, so mean and act so illegally? Well, anybody who knows him well can answer that. Supervisor Warner is a mean, vindictive, punitive bully. If he’s is mad at you, there isn’t anything too cheap, too stupid or too ill-advised that he won’t try if he thinks it will hurt you.
Many people who know the Supervisor in a surface way might find that hard to believe. Isn’t he the friendly, jocular man that brings new residents a big hunk of strawberry cake when they move into town? Isn’t he the chuckling giant who dresses up in costumes to entertain the kids at town functions? Yes, but he has a bad side.
It’s Santa’s evil twin- Bad Santa.
Bad Santa is the obsessive, micro-managing, secretive politician who thinks Ed Evans harmed him by running a primary and is paying Evans back by blocking him from serving on the Conservation Board (“After what he did to me?”) No matter how detrimental this act is for Hamlin.
Bad Santa is the chuckling goon who can’t string a sentence together that makes any sense either on paper or in person. He’s the one who fumbles and mumbles through budget hearings casting aspersions on anybody who questions the numbers.
Bad Santa is the Machiavellian autocrat who thinks he has unlimited, unrestrained power. He thinks he can fire employees at will and to hell with the legal process. He’s the guy who will sacrifice our zoning laws just to inflict a little pointless disturbance on misperceived political opponents.
Unfortunately, Bad Santa runs the town.