Supervisor Warner, in costume for Wheelfest '04.
Bedrock Baloney
As usual, Supervisor Warner misses the point. His letter in the 5/16 Herald (written by Pat McIntosh, I’m sure!) actually brags about the secret meetings and dealings the town has had with the DiMarco developers. Doesn’t he understand anything?
Hamlin taxpayers don’t want the DiMarco project AT ALL! Not one piece!
And, we want to know all of the news, in detail. We want to know what DiMarco is up to, and how Hamlin is dealing with it. The public has demanded constant updating on the “Millstone” low-income housing plan. Nearly a thousand taxpayers signed a letter specifically demanding that. What was Warner’s response? “My office...will always be open.” He has transformed his duty and promise to communicate with the public into the breathtakingly arrogant, “Make an appointment.”
> Is Warner so out of touch with the average citizen? Does he think the typical Hamlin property owner has the time to meet with him? Our Supervisor only works part time hours, the same ones as everyone else. Since 87% of Hamlin’s workforce commutes, when exactly should they get together with him? Saturday morning? Right. “You thousand residents! Get in line. The
Supervisor will meet you shortly!”
> This is just another tired old politicians trick. Caught in a lie-of-commitment, he has tried to deflect the truth of the facts. He suggests that an ”open office” is equal to town-wide communication in our local newspaper. His flimsy, defensive letter is no substitute for sitting down with a reporter and explaining the DiMarco developments in detail- for all of us.
> The little bit he did reveal about “Millstone” should make every homeowner nervous. In the March Planning Board meeting, Chris Schlieter demanded that DiMarco present all three Phases of the development. He told the developer, point blank, that if all the details of all stages were not presented, there would be no action. What was the result? DiMarco, meeting privately with town, informed them that they would, “include a cluster plan of larger lots for sale.”
> The developer doesn’t have a very high regard for the intelligence of Hamlin’s Planning Board apparently. DiMarco knows how the process works. They offer a pacifying plan today, and take it off the table tomorrow. There is no law which prohibits a developer from changing his mind! Once the developer has established a relative value for his property through an initial Phase, then the town cannot stop them from developing the rest of the property to that same value! Even if there had been a previous agreement, the town cannot block full exploitation of a property.
> The only power the Planning Board has to block this project is through the sophisticated use of the NYS Environmental SEQR laws. Our representatives are not up to the task. DiMarco puts up high-priced lawyers, engineers and environmental specialists. What do we have? Jim Breslawski?! Then, there is Hamlin’s SEQR officer, Mr. Charles Hungerford, a private Warner appointment. Hungerford is a part time lawn-mower for the town and a retired Building Inspector. He used to be the SEQR officer and was terrible at it. He lacks legal training and sophistication. He is hardly a match for the professionals from DiMarco. Instead of hiring an expert to put the town on an equal footing, Hamlin has an unskilled, untrained SEQR officer who lost terribly the last time his work was challenged in court.
> Finally, the Stupirvisor’s claim that the conference with DiMarco was open to the public is a classic, “Lie of Ommission.” He knows that the public was given no notice of the meeting- not in the Herald; not in the Zoning Board, Planning Board, or Town Board meetings; not in the town hall, or on radio or TV. If no notice is given, and no one knows about a meeting, it can hardly be “open.” It’s fun to hear a local politician try to BS an entire community!
> Warner always called himself a “communicator.” If breaking promises, failing to speak to the press and lying qualifies as communication, then he’s doing a rock solid job. WIllmmaaa!