Baleful Breslawski?
It seems unlawful Planning Board Chairman James Breslawski has been huddling up with Town Big-Shots lately, maybe to finally take stock of his legal situation. Meetings, up to three hours long, involving Breslawski and Supervisor Warner and Breslawski and Zoning Board boss Norman Baas have been held. These "skull sessions" can only mean one thing- everybody is running scared! Breslawski might have had the good sense to talk to a private attorney about the reality of his legal status. As The Blog and Brockport Post have reported, Breslawski lives in Clarkson yet has registered to vote in Hamlin! In fact, he hasn’t lived in Hamlin for more than a decade! He registered in Hamlin to promote and protect his business interests. Breslawski owns a agricultural production company which controls thousands of acres in Hamlin. Being Chairman of the Planning Board gives him a huge competitive advantage over other farmers. It also enables him to foresee, and possibly control, the direction of growth in town. However, state law says that people have to register to vote where they live, NOT where their business is located. No doubt being Chairman of Hamlin’s Planning Board is good for Breslawski’s business, but the bottom line is that voter fraud is a felony!
But why should Supervisor Warner be so upset? There are several reasons. First, as he has done so often to others, Warner has mislead Breslawski about the seriousness of the situation. Years ago the Supervisor directed the town attorney to provide a letter which intentionally minimized the legal situation regarding Breslawski’s voter registration. Warner has had years to correct the information, but he didn't. Warner maintained the deceit because he needs Breslawski too much! Breslawski is not only the Planning Board Chairman, he is also Austin Warner’s biggest campaign contributor! The appearance of a payoff is unmistakable. Breslawski receives a position which benefits his ag business and in exchange Warner gets a loyal, generous donor for his reelection. Quid pro quo, it’s called; you scratch my back....
But what scares Warner just as much as losing his financier is losing Breslawski from the Planning Board. Because Breslawski has such an enormous personal interest in the operations of the Board he is one of it’s most active members! This is not saying much, mind you. Hamlin’s Planning Board is one of the most complacent and careless in the County. This is the group who fumbled the Bower dog kennel; the bunch who insulted the entire community by staging a one-way "public hearing" for the DeMarco Millstone subdivision; the crew who has botched the Tops gas station. This board has stalled the essential Senior Housing project while almost instantly permitting small businesses to pop up in the middle of neighborhoods where residents don’t want them. The Hamlin Planning Board stumbles with good projects and promotes the bad, almost always in direct contrast to the will of the public. There are only two guys who know or do anything on the Planning Board and Breslawski is one. If he quits, as he will have to once he acknowledges his true residency, the Planning Board will be hopeless.
That’s why Warner is scared.
But it probably won’t be enough to keep Breslawski from bailing.
Current news, opinion and satire about the activities and personalities in Hamlin NY. ....Send comments and opinion to:
Friday, December 31, 2004
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
NEWSFLASH: Good-Ole-Boys Smack Down Innocent Girl!
The Hamlin Town Board met today in "Special Session" to fire Cindy Olds the Assistant Building Inspector and Clerk to the support boards!
Olds, who was well liked in the community and by local builders, was let go in the continuing aftermath of the Larry Gursslin firing fiasco of last year. Olds was perceived by Boss Warner as too "independent." Translation: She wouldn’t do something he told her to. Probably it was something wrong or illegal. Refusing Boss Warner will get you kicked out, every time.
No word yet on whether Olds will also sue the Town for wrongful dissmissal.
Correction: The TB didn’t "fire" her, they passed a resolution to "not reappoint" her.
Your tax dollars at work. Secretly, or at least below the radar, but at work! Happy New Year!
The Hamlin Town Board met today in "Special Session" to fire Cindy Olds the Assistant Building Inspector and Clerk to the support boards!
Olds, who was well liked in the community and by local builders, was let go in the continuing aftermath of the Larry Gursslin firing fiasco of last year. Olds was perceived by Boss Warner as too "independent." Translation: She wouldn’t do something he told her to. Probably it was something wrong or illegal. Refusing Boss Warner will get you kicked out, every time.
No word yet on whether Olds will also sue the Town for wrongful dissmissal.
Correction: The TB didn’t "fire" her, they passed a resolution to "not reappoint" her.
Your tax dollars at work. Secretly, or at least below the radar, but at work! Happy New Year!
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Zoning and Planning Fail Again
What does the public believe is the most serious threat to Hamlin?
Development- continued, commercial and residential growth.
How has local government responded to increasing development? With welcome arms! As fast as a proposal is presented, the support boards rush to approve them.
A case in point is the recent application by Tops Markets to put up a gas station in front of it’s store. The plan required environmental approval from the Planning Board and several variances from the Zoning Board. The SEQR review flew through without even a public hearing offered to the public. The Zoning Board hosted a hearing, as required by law, but then discarded all citizen complaints and concerns.
Two main issues were presented to the ZBA. The first need: How would another gas station impact the existing service stations and how three gas stations within 1000 feet of one another would effect the appearance and character of the community. The second issue was environmental impact. Citizens wanted to know how this station would look, how smelly, noisy and bright it would be, and how much new traffic would be generated.
How where the public’s concerns were handled? The ZBA took, at face value, virtually every reply offered by the Tops planners to citizen objections. Not much questioning, very little challenge. Of course, they gave Tops everything it asked for.
The process was similar to the infamous DeMarco, "Millstone" proposal. The public raised their concerns, the support Boards facilitated the developer, and the developer was allowed to "answer" the citizens without challenge or debate.
In Hamlin, despite overwhelming popular sentiment, all Town boards are naively infatuated with development. Some board members feel powerful when dealing with "big-time" developers, others hold a radical "business is good" philosophy which prohibits any challenge to any proposal.
Whatever their motives, they are bad for Hamlin.
Local government is hopelessly lost when the public says that they want to preserve the town’s "rural heritage." Elected and appointed officials have no clue what the residents mean, or want.
Supervisor Warner’s claim to be developing a Comprehensive Plan is an empty, failed promise. The ZBA Chairman steadfastly refuses to read outside of monthly meetings! He admonishes applicants for not being efficient and then, in the next breath, announces that he didn’t bother to bring his records to the meeting! This Chairman refuses to go to training, doesn't know or understand the Code Book and relentlessly promotes his own agenda for growth, an agenda which is twenty five years out of date!
The Planning Board is chaired by a man who is not even a resident of Hamlin! Mr. James Breslawski lives in Clarkson and every meeting he chairs violates state. The Town Board supports him because he is a "taxpayer" and "large landowner." Is that sufficient reason to permit a non-resident to be in charge of our town’s planning? This man is partner in a company which owns thousands of acres of land in Hamlin, yet fails to recuse himself from hearings on projects potentially effecting those lands.
* The Chairman of the Zoning Board won’t read or go to training.
* The Chairman of the Planning Board lives in another town. He owns thousands of acres of land. He is in charge of the direction of development.
* The Supervisor is under the corporate philosophical delusion that commercial development lowers taxes. He refuses to read or go to training as well.
The Town Board, Planning Board and Zoning Board all oppose the creation of an Architectural Review Committee which would have authority to block projects that make Hamlin look ugly and overdeveloped. For example, the Dollar General building or the new Tops gas station signs and kiosk.
The residents can answer surveys until hell freezes over, but unless and until there is a local government which understands the issues of development, nothing will change.
What does the public believe is the most serious threat to Hamlin?
Development- continued, commercial and residential growth.
How has local government responded to increasing development? With welcome arms! As fast as a proposal is presented, the support boards rush to approve them.
A case in point is the recent application by Tops Markets to put up a gas station in front of it’s store. The plan required environmental approval from the Planning Board and several variances from the Zoning Board. The SEQR review flew through without even a public hearing offered to the public. The Zoning Board hosted a hearing, as required by law, but then discarded all citizen complaints and concerns.
Two main issues were presented to the ZBA. The first need: How would another gas station impact the existing service stations and how three gas stations within 1000 feet of one another would effect the appearance and character of the community. The second issue was environmental impact. Citizens wanted to know how this station would look, how smelly, noisy and bright it would be, and how much new traffic would be generated.
How where the public’s concerns were handled? The ZBA took, at face value, virtually every reply offered by the Tops planners to citizen objections. Not much questioning, very little challenge. Of course, they gave Tops everything it asked for.
The process was similar to the infamous DeMarco, "Millstone" proposal. The public raised their concerns, the support Boards facilitated the developer, and the developer was allowed to "answer" the citizens without challenge or debate.
In Hamlin, despite overwhelming popular sentiment, all Town boards are naively infatuated with development. Some board members feel powerful when dealing with "big-time" developers, others hold a radical "business is good" philosophy which prohibits any challenge to any proposal.
Whatever their motives, they are bad for Hamlin.
Local government is hopelessly lost when the public says that they want to preserve the town’s "rural heritage." Elected and appointed officials have no clue what the residents mean, or want.
Supervisor Warner’s claim to be developing a Comprehensive Plan is an empty, failed promise. The ZBA Chairman steadfastly refuses to read outside of monthly meetings! He admonishes applicants for not being efficient and then, in the next breath, announces that he didn’t bother to bring his records to the meeting! This Chairman refuses to go to training, doesn't know or understand the Code Book and relentlessly promotes his own agenda for growth, an agenda which is twenty five years out of date!
The Planning Board is chaired by a man who is not even a resident of Hamlin! Mr. James Breslawski lives in Clarkson and every meeting he chairs violates state. The Town Board supports him because he is a "taxpayer" and "large landowner." Is that sufficient reason to permit a non-resident to be in charge of our town’s planning? This man is partner in a company which owns thousands of acres of land in Hamlin, yet fails to recuse himself from hearings on projects potentially effecting those lands.
* The Chairman of the Zoning Board won’t read or go to training.
* The Chairman of the Planning Board lives in another town. He owns thousands of acres of land. He is in charge of the direction of development.
* The Supervisor is under the corporate philosophical delusion that commercial development lowers taxes. He refuses to read or go to training as well.
The Town Board, Planning Board and Zoning Board all oppose the creation of an Architectural Review Committee which would have authority to block projects that make Hamlin look ugly and overdeveloped. For example, the Dollar General building or the new Tops gas station signs and kiosk.
The residents can answer surveys until hell freezes over, but unless and until there is a local government which understands the issues of development, nothing will change.
Saturday, December 18, 2004
It seems that Nixon-style paranoia continues to pervade the Hamlin Town Hall. Supervisor Warner, desperate to keep his errors, missteps, incompetencies and illegal actions out of the public eye, has again gone on a "security" rampage accosting virtually every employee in the building to make sure they don’t "talk to Tonery!"
Town workers all know that Warner’s highly advertised "Anger Management" counseling was largely a smokescreen- or else a total failure. In the words of one, Warner still "loses it" with regularity. By far the best, and funniest, instance is the recent confrontation between Warner and Councilman Paul Rath.
Apparently, Rath was attempting to have a discussion with the Supervisor on some aspect of the budget. As town insiders know, Warner, who is responsible for producing a Town budget, does not understand much about them. The Supervisor, challenged by simple arithmetic, has "secretly"turned the entire job over to his secretary, Patricia MacIntosh. During budget hearings, and in communications with the media, it is Ms. MacIntosh who answers and explains. (The Blog urges the public to confirm this: Obtain a copy of the budget and then question the Supervisor about some element- he will be unable to explain anything about it!) Rath, on the other hand, is a professional number-cruncher, a CPA in fact. Rath’s facility and mastery of the budgeting process is no doubt the source of Warner’s animosity.
The story has it that acrimony arose as the discussion progressed. When the Supervisor was inevitably bettered by the educated Rath, Warner switched gears, returning to more comfortable territory- he attacked Rath personally! Warner accused Rath of being a traitor and claimed he was the inside snitch to political gadfly Peter Tonery. As his blood boiled, Warner dug down deeply, searching for the worst, most hurtful, diabolical curse he could find. Finally he had it, "You are a DEMOCRAT!" he raged at the withering Rath.
How horrible! What slander! Why, can there be a worse thing to call someone in Hamlin? Can the relationship between Mr. Rath and Mr. Warner ever be repaired after such a scathing assault?
The BLOG contacted Mr. Tonery for his reaction to the story. "Oh yes, Paul and I talk all the time!" he said, "At least once a week. I call him at his office so we can talk politics without fear of spies. We have lunch together probably once a month." Asked how the two had patched up their differences Tonery offered, "Do you mean when Paul had me charged with a misdemenor for the red light on my ‘No Radio Tower’ sculpture, and then I turned him in for that ugly NY Yankees logo on his barn? Oh, we shook hands and buried that hatchet long ago. That was just politics." "Why, only last month, we spent a week together hunting down in Pennsylvania!" he exclaimed. "Paul and I see eye to eye on many problems regarding Hamlin’s future. He, better then most councilpersons, knows about the dilemmas that growth and development present to the community. We agree on many, many issues."
But is Rath the "Spy" Warner accused him of being? Tonery said, "Oh, no. Not really. I talk to lots of people in Town government. People call me on the phone all the time, we chat in the store, they send me email. Nearly everyone who works for the town is intimidated by Warner’s scare tactics, at the same time they are determined that the public learn the truth about his behavior. You wouldn’t believe the contacts I’ve had on this Breslawski thing, for example. Warner would be shocked to know who has called me to express their support!" Tonery was referring to his effort to oust the Chairman of Planning Board because he is not a resident of Hamlin, a clear violation of NY State law. "I’ve even had members of the Planning Board talk to me about it!" he added.
Town workers all know that Warner’s highly advertised "Anger Management" counseling was largely a smokescreen- or else a total failure. In the words of one, Warner still "loses it" with regularity. By far the best, and funniest, instance is the recent confrontation between Warner and Councilman Paul Rath.
Apparently, Rath was attempting to have a discussion with the Supervisor on some aspect of the budget. As town insiders know, Warner, who is responsible for producing a Town budget, does not understand much about them. The Supervisor, challenged by simple arithmetic, has "secretly"turned the entire job over to his secretary, Patricia MacIntosh. During budget hearings, and in communications with the media, it is Ms. MacIntosh who answers and explains. (The Blog urges the public to confirm this: Obtain a copy of the budget and then question the Supervisor about some element- he will be unable to explain anything about it!) Rath, on the other hand, is a professional number-cruncher, a CPA in fact. Rath’s facility and mastery of the budgeting process is no doubt the source of Warner’s animosity.
The story has it that acrimony arose as the discussion progressed. When the Supervisor was inevitably bettered by the educated Rath, Warner switched gears, returning to more comfortable territory- he attacked Rath personally! Warner accused Rath of being a traitor and claimed he was the inside snitch to political gadfly Peter Tonery. As his blood boiled, Warner dug down deeply, searching for the worst, most hurtful, diabolical curse he could find. Finally he had it, "You are a DEMOCRAT!" he raged at the withering Rath.
How horrible! What slander! Why, can there be a worse thing to call someone in Hamlin? Can the relationship between Mr. Rath and Mr. Warner ever be repaired after such a scathing assault?
The BLOG contacted Mr. Tonery for his reaction to the story. "Oh yes, Paul and I talk all the time!" he said, "At least once a week. I call him at his office so we can talk politics without fear of spies. We have lunch together probably once a month." Asked how the two had patched up their differences Tonery offered, "Do you mean when Paul had me charged with a misdemenor for the red light on my ‘No Radio Tower’ sculpture, and then I turned him in for that ugly NY Yankees logo on his barn? Oh, we shook hands and buried that hatchet long ago. That was just politics." "Why, only last month, we spent a week together hunting down in Pennsylvania!" he exclaimed. "Paul and I see eye to eye on many problems regarding Hamlin’s future. He, better then most councilpersons, knows about the dilemmas that growth and development present to the community. We agree on many, many issues."
But is Rath the "Spy" Warner accused him of being? Tonery said, "Oh, no. Not really. I talk to lots of people in Town government. People call me on the phone all the time, we chat in the store, they send me email. Nearly everyone who works for the town is intimidated by Warner’s scare tactics, at the same time they are determined that the public learn the truth about his behavior. You wouldn’t believe the contacts I’ve had on this Breslawski thing, for example. Warner would be shocked to know who has called me to express their support!" Tonery was referring to his effort to oust the Chairman of Planning Board because he is not a resident of Hamlin, a clear violation of NY State law. "I’ve even had members of the Planning Board talk to me about it!" he added.
It seems that Nixon-style paranoia continues to pervade the Hamlin Town Hall. Supervisor Warner, desperate to keep his errors, missteps, incompetencies and illegal actions out of the public eye, has again gone on a "security" rampage accosting virtually every employee in the building to make sure they don’t "talk to Tonery!"
Town workers all know that Warner’s highly advertised "Anger Management" counseling was largely a smokescreen or else a total failure. In the words of one, Warner still "loses it" with regularity. By far the best, and funniest, instance is the recent confrontation between Warner and Councilman Paul Rath.
Apparently Rath was attempting to have a discussion with the Supervisor on some aspect of the budget. As town insiders know, Warner, despite have responsibility for producing a Town budget, does not understand anything them. Warner can barely do simple arithmetic and has "secretly"turned the entire job over to his secretary, Patricia MacIntosh. During budget hearings, and in communications with the media, it is Ms MacIntosh who answers and explains. (The Blog urges the public to confirm this: Obtain a copy of the budget and then question the Supervisor about some element- he will be totally unable to explain anything about it!) Rath, on the other hand, is a professional number-cruncher, a CPA in fact. Rath’s skill is no doubt the source of Warner’s animosity.
The story goes that the acrimony rose as the discussion continued. When the Supervisor was inevitably bettered by the educated Rath, Warner switched gears, moving back to more comfortable territory- he attacked Rath personally and politically! Warner accused Rath of being a traitor and claimed he was the inside snitch to Tonery. As his blood boiled, Warner dug down deeply, searching for the worst, most hurtful, diabolical curse he could find. Finally he had it, "You are a DEMOCRAT!" he raged at the withering Rath.
How horrible! What slander! Why, can there be a worse thing to call someone in Hamlin? Can the relationship between Mr. Rath and Mr. Warner EVER be repaired after such a scathing assault?
The BLOG contacted Mr. Tonery for his reaction. "Oh yes, Paul and I talk all the time!" he said, "At least once a week. I call him at his office so we can talk politics without fear of spies. We have lunch together about once a month." Asked how the two had patched up there differences Tonery offered, "Do you mean when Paul turned me in to the Building Inspector because I had a light on my ‘No Radio Tower’ sign, then I turned him in for that ugly NY Yankee logo on his barn? Oh, we shook hands and buried that hatchet long ago. That was just politics." "Why, just last month, we spent a week together hunting down in Pennsylvania!" he added. "Paul and I see eye to eye on many problems regarding Hamlin’s future. He, better then most others on the Town Board, has a knowledge of dilemmas that growth and development presents to the community. We agree on many, many issue."
But is Rath the "Spy" Warner accused him of being? Tonery said, "Oh, no. Not really. I talk to lots of people in Town government. People call me on the phone all the time, we chat in the store, they send me email. Every one who works for the town is frightened and intimidated by Warner’s scare tactics, but they are also desperate that the truth about his behavior gets out to the public. You wouldn’t believe the support I’ve had on this Breslawski thing, for example." Tonery was referring to his effort to oust the Chairman of Planning Board because he is not a resident of Hamlin. "I’ve even had members of the Planning Board talk to me about it!" he added.
Town workers all know that Warner’s highly advertised "Anger Management" counseling was largely a smokescreen or else a total failure. In the words of one, Warner still "loses it" with regularity. By far the best, and funniest, instance is the recent confrontation between Warner and Councilman Paul Rath.
Apparently Rath was attempting to have a discussion with the Supervisor on some aspect of the budget. As town insiders know, Warner, despite have responsibility for producing a Town budget, does not understand anything them. Warner can barely do simple arithmetic and has "secretly"turned the entire job over to his secretary, Patricia MacIntosh. During budget hearings, and in communications with the media, it is Ms MacIntosh who answers and explains. (The Blog urges the public to confirm this: Obtain a copy of the budget and then question the Supervisor about some element- he will be totally unable to explain anything about it!) Rath, on the other hand, is a professional number-cruncher, a CPA in fact. Rath’s skill is no doubt the source of Warner’s animosity.
The story goes that the acrimony rose as the discussion continued. When the Supervisor was inevitably bettered by the educated Rath, Warner switched gears, moving back to more comfortable territory- he attacked Rath personally and politically! Warner accused Rath of being a traitor and claimed he was the inside snitch to Tonery. As his blood boiled, Warner dug down deeply, searching for the worst, most hurtful, diabolical curse he could find. Finally he had it, "You are a DEMOCRAT!" he raged at the withering Rath.
How horrible! What slander! Why, can there be a worse thing to call someone in Hamlin? Can the relationship between Mr. Rath and Mr. Warner EVER be repaired after such a scathing assault?
The BLOG contacted Mr. Tonery for his reaction. "Oh yes, Paul and I talk all the time!" he said, "At least once a week. I call him at his office so we can talk politics without fear of spies. We have lunch together about once a month." Asked how the two had patched up there differences Tonery offered, "Do you mean when Paul turned me in to the Building Inspector because I had a light on my ‘No Radio Tower’ sign, then I turned him in for that ugly NY Yankee logo on his barn? Oh, we shook hands and buried that hatchet long ago. That was just politics." "Why, just last month, we spent a week together hunting down in Pennsylvania!" he added. "Paul and I see eye to eye on many problems regarding Hamlin’s future. He, better then most others on the Town Board, has a knowledge of dilemmas that growth and development presents to the community. We agree on many, many issue."
But is Rath the "Spy" Warner accused him of being? Tonery said, "Oh, no. Not really. I talk to lots of people in Town government. People call me on the phone all the time, we chat in the store, they send me email. Every one who works for the town is frightened and intimidated by Warner’s scare tactics, but they are also desperate that the truth about his behavior gets out to the public. You wouldn’t believe the support I’ve had on this Breslawski thing, for example." Tonery was referring to his effort to oust the Chairman of Planning Board because he is not a resident of Hamlin. "I’ve even had members of the Planning Board talk to me about it!" he added.
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