Current news, opinion and satire about the activities and personalities in Hamlin NY. ....Send comments and opinion to:
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Local chicken farmer Jim Breslawski is back at it. Like some horrible bad penny he reappeared last night at the meeting of the Hamlin Republican Committee. Our beloved and fearless leader, Supervisor Warner, actually nominated Breslawski for membership on the committee!!!
Paul Rath, finally mustering some juavos, challenged the nomination saying that since Breslawski didn’t live in Hamlin he was not eligible for membership. The enraged, red-faced SlawMan hissed, “I DO live in Hamlin. That’s all been taken care of!” Then he swore at Rath a little bit and finished by saying, “I have been reinstated.”
I don't think so...and it's news to the MC Board of ElectionS!
How was Jim “reinstated?” He simply filled out and mailed in a new voter registration card claiming he lived at 1534 North Hamlin Road!
He did this ONE MONTH after the Monroe County Board of Elections ruled that he DID NOT reside at 1534 North Hamlin Road and revoked his right to vote in Hamlin!
Once again, everybody in town knows that JB lives at 26 Deer Track Lane in CLARKSON!
Jim just doesn’t care.
Is this rational behavior? Does it make sense to risk felony prosecution for voter fraud? Does Austin Warner have even half a brain?
Arrogance and blind, stupid stubbornness is the likely answer.
Bawwkk! Stay tuned!
[*Go to The Blog archives for Thursday, March 24, 2005 to see the letter from the Board of Elections, dated 3/18/05 and read about JB resiging from the Planning Board as a consequence. Jim's "new" voter registration was recorded in the BoE offices on 4/13/05!]
The sodas are in a cooler on my front porch. Help yourself. They're really old and warm. Mostly flat.
More on the marathon 2 1/2 hour HRC meeting coming. Judy Hazen and Butch Warner's power play largely failed. It gradually dawned on them that alienating 95% of Hamlin Republicans was not a good move.
The Editor
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Local chicken farmer Jim Breslawski is back at it. Like some horrible bad penny he reappeared last night at the meeting of the Hamlin Republican Committee. Our beloved and fearless leader, Supervisor Warner, actually nominated Breslawski for membership on the committee!!!
Paul Rath, finally mustering some juavos, challenged the nomination saying that since Breslawski didn’t live in Hamlin he was not eligible for membership. The enraged, red-faced SlawMan hissed, “I DO live in Hamlin. That’s all been taken care of!” Then he swore at Rath a little bit and finished by saying, “I have been reinstated.”
I don't think so...and it's news to the MC Board of ElectionS!
How was Jim “reinstated?” He simply filled out and mailed in a new voter registration card claiming he lived at 1534 North Hamlin Road!
He did this ONE MONTH after the Monroe County Board of Elections ruled that he DID NOT reside at 1534 North Hamlin Road and revoked his right to vote in Hamlin!
Once again, everybody in town knows that JB lives at 26 Deer Track Lane in CLARKSON!
Jim just doesn’t care.
Is this rational behavior? Does it make sense to risk felony prosecution for voter fraud? Does Austin Warner have even half a brain?
Arrogance and blind, stupid stubbornness is the likely answer.
Bawwkk! Stay tuned!
[*Go to The Blog archives for Thursday, March 24, 2005 to see the letter from the Board of Elections, dated 3/18/05 and read about JB resiging from the Planning Board as a consequence. Jim's "new" voter registration was recorded in the BoE offices on 4/13/05!]
The sodas are in a cooler on my front porch. Help yourself. They're really old and warm. Mostly flat.
More on the marathon 2 1/2 hour HRC meeting coming. Judy Hazen and Butch Warner's power play largely failed. It gradually dawned on them that alienating 95% of Hamlin Republicans was not a good move.
The Editor
Thursday, September 22, 2005
The local Republican rumor-mill is buzzing with the story that Austin Warner thinks he has enough political currency to try for a power grab inside the Hamlin Republican Committee!
It seems Warner wants to take control of the party by becoming the new Chairman! Al Campbell, the present chair was hand-picked by Warner, plucked fresh from the Knights of Columbus at SEAS. Warner wants the job now that he is “retiring” as Supervisor.
He is like the trick birthday candle that won’t go out!
Doesn’t Warner realize that he has completely blown his authority inside the party? He just finished leading Steve Minarik, Pat MacIntosh and Gerry Hutchison into the Little Big Horn of Republican primaries! Despite this, he thinks that he has sufficient influence to make himself Chairman.
Hamlin’s Republican voters just decided who has the authority to speak for them. Dennis Roach collected 54% of the vote- more than MacIntosh and Hollink combined! That vote was a crystal clear mandate. The power in the Hamlin Republican Committee belongs to the victors.
That’s what democracy is about.
Is it astonishing pridefulness that permits Warner to think he still has some authority? Who would support him? Does the little clique of GOB’s who rigged the nomination for MacIntosh last spring still believe they rule the party?
Does Warner think he has any credibility with Monroe County Republicans after turning in such a disaster in the primary? Steve Minarik must be furious that he bought into Warner’s salesmanship and backed such big losers.
Warner played all his cards and was trumped on every one. He tried to bluff the voters but they kept raising him. Roach and Marchetti took all his cash. Warner is busted and out of the game.
Republican voters sent a powerful message to their Committee, and the members had better heed it: The winners of the primary DON’T NEED YOU!
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Zoning Board acts to community’s benefit!
In Monday’s ZBA meeting the request by the developer for “Country Estates” to have .3 acre lots was denied!
This is good news for Hamlin. The developer asserted that the homes he planned to build on these tiny lots would sell for $175,000- righhhht.
Too bad for Hamlin the ZBA failed to make their determination based on the most important reason for refusal: Hamlin does not need any more “cheap” housing.
Residents want limitations on new development and this 70+ unit project would not have been an asset to the community. THAT is a legitimate reason for refusal.
As expected ZBA Chairman Norm Baas did his usual head-shaking routine about how the board was going to be sued, demonstrating once again how little he knows about his job! Baas showed both his ignorance of zoning matters and his unshakable prejudice for granting variances regardless of their impact on the community.
Good job Zoning Board! You did the right thing. Maybe next time you can do it for the right reasons.
FOOTNOTE: It is ironic that the first significant variance request was denied right after the Zoning Law was modified to MAKE IT EASIER TO GRANT THEM!
Friday, September 16, 2005
The benefits just keep piling up!
Friday night, 9/16.
Nine PM.
Gas prices:
Tops 3.09
Bob’s 3.01
Prince’s 3.11
K&K 3.09
Thank you Hamlin Planning & Zoning Boards!
When the Tops Corporation asked for five variances and approval to build a gas station within 1/4 mile of three others, the Boards assured the public that the benefit to them would be lower gas prices. With plenty of winks and nods, these geniuses assured Hamlin residents that another gas station would benefit us.
Plenty of citizens, including the other station owners, small business persons who live and work in Hamlin, told board members that the actual result would be a loss of revenues to their businesses of about 25% EACH! With plenty of nods and winks the public looked at each other and said, “Somebody’s gonna fold.”
Most benevolent Planning Board Co-Chairman Jim Nesbitt pontificated on the challenges he faced when Tops started selling cards in competition with his wife’s gift shop. His expert economic advice to the other gas station owners was essentially, “You’ll live...or you won’t.”
That’s how Hamlin’s local government works. They sure know what they’re talking about.
And we REALLY appreciate the lower gas prices too!
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
A new generation of Republican voters spoke with an overwhelming voice in last night's primary election. The message was clear and decisive.
Tired of the dissmal "Good-ole-boy" organization which has crippled local government for nearly a decade, Republican voters came out in unprecedented numbers to stage a dramatic, and uncontestible, coupe.
Austin Warner's hand picked successors, Pat MacIntosh for Supervisor and Gerry Hutchison for Town Board, were crushed by challengers Dennis Roach and Mike Marchetti.
The two men, campaigning as a team, swept the vote grabbing a huge 50% total in a three way race for Supervisor and four way contest for town board.
Supporter's gathered at "North of the Border" resturant to celebrate.
"This is a tremendous victory!" said former Town Board member Ed Evans. "It shows that Hamlin Republicans were fed up with the abuse of power. They have given these new leaders a huge mandate."
"These election results will revitalize the Hamlin Republican Committee," said Sue Evans. "Many of the good people who were driven away will be anxious to return."
Despite a torrent of money from Monroe County Republican Chairman Steven Minarik the MacIntosh campaign was a complete bust. Estimates of MacIntosh's spending run as high as ten thousand dollars, unprecedented for any campaign in Hamlin, astonishing for a primary.
"I think the County GOP did their survey and were shocked that local Republicans were not willing to blindly support the endorsed candidates." said one local Marchetti supporter, "Minarik tried to buy Hamlin and found out it wasn't for sale!"
The lame-duck administration of the Hamlin Republican Committee trekked to the turf of the victorious challengers to offer their bewildered congratulations. One observer remarked, "It's hard to imagine what they have to say to Denny and Mike. They didn't back them and threatened anybody who did with being kicked off the committee. I suppose it's gracious."
Political observers anticipate that the desiccated remains of the Warner Republicans will soon be forced to exit the HRC.
"They backed the wrong horses," said a lifelong resident and Republican. "They overplayed their hand. They are now obsolete. Roach and Marchetti don't owe them anything. The voters have spoken overwhelmingly. The old guard is gone."
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Saturday, September 10, 2005
If anyone needed more proof that Pat MacIntosh’s campaign is being managed and funded by Steve Minarik, they only have to look at the stupid “attack flyer" Republicans received yesterday.
And it is, REALLY STUPID! The attack is about Shirley missing two budget votes in five years. Of course, it doesn’t reveal that Austin Warner orchestrated one of those absences, calling a special meeting specifically on a date she was going to be out of town! Hollink objected, and asked for an earlier date when she would be in Hamlin, but Warner and the Town Board overruled her!
Her other absence was to attend the funeral of her mother-in-law! Nice of PatMac to criticsize Hollink for THAT!
Naturally, they failed to mention that PatMac never attended ANY MEETINGS about ANYTHING, save the ones on the budget! PatMac’s “attendance” was non-existent!
Why didn’t Minarik attack Shirley on REAL issues? Hollink has been a determined opponent of the Hamlin library since it began. Hollink has always participated in illegal “Executive Sessions” where public business is conducted in private. A “real” campaign” would pick on real issues. This is just the usual Minarik smear stuff.
When MacIntosh’s campaign ends, the cost will approach $10,000!
What is going on here? Steve Minarik didn’t even know how to spell Hamlin until two months ago! Now he’s dumping ten grand into a PRIMARY?
Something is very, very fishy. If PatMac is elected, Hamlin government will owe a tremendous dept to Minarik.
What will it be? What will it be?
This pattern of four “nice-nice” mailers followed by two nasty vicious attack pieces is standard, CLASSIC, Steve Minarik campaign style. He always shoots off his mouth about “negative advertising” but he practices it more than anyone, everyone else combined.
Republicans can expect to receive a flyer today attacking Dennis Roach. Roach has extremely good credentials and plenty of experience to be a town Supervisor- in ANY town. Roach retired from the Navy as a Warfare Captain. From there he administered several organizations for the military and then, as a civilian, managed educational programs for both SUNY Brockport and Gates/Chili.
Roach has a Masters degree in Public Administration. How will PatMac and Minarik attack THAT?!
The Blog predicts that Minarik will accuse Roach of “inexperience,” that he doesn’t “know the community” and that he’s “soft on Democrats.”
Roach has been a Hamlin resident for almost ten years, he has a world of practical management experience and believes that good government is inclusive.
It will be interesting to see how the Minarik/MacIntosh attack dogs try to sink the Captain.
RELEASE THE HOUNDS! We'll see if they can swim.
Friday, September 09, 2005
LIAR-FLYER The Devil is in the Details!
By now Hamlin's long suffering Republicans have seen at least four of these propaganda pieces. As described below these 8x10, four-color, glossy, two-sided flyers are VERY expensive. They have, obviously, been paid for with out-of-town money.
There is NO WAY Pat MacIntosh has raised $5000 plus for a PRIMARY campaign!
Why is Steve Minarik and the Monroe County Republican Committee so interested in making sure that Pat MacIntosh is elected supervisor?
What do they have to gain? What are they trying to protect? What are they afraid of?
Maggie Brooks seems to be deeply involved in this primary effort. She appears on MacIntosh's mailing and has recorded an automated phone message.
Most people know that the Monroe County GOP is closely linked to developers and construction companies. Typically, the top five donors to the County Executive campaigns are builders.
DeMarco is a developer and signifigant contributor to the GOP.
Could this be the link?
Mike Marchetti was the principle organizer to the effort to stop the DeMarco low-income housing project. Marchetti is allied with Dennis Roach.
Is the money being spent on Pat MacIntosh "pay back" for blocking the DeMarco project?
What is Pat MacIntosh going to owe her Monroe County GOP sponsors?
How bad will that be for Hamlin?
I wish we knew.
That makes her responsible for it, even if she was never elected to do it!
MacIntosh is responsible for a compounded increase in Town taxes of almost 10% since Warner came into office!
MacIntosh had the responsibility but not the accountability. Maybe the taxpayers will do that now!
* * * * *
MacIntosh has been one of the most dogged and aggressive opponents of the Hamlin library, second only to Shirley Hollink!
MacIntosh was the architect of a scheme to grab the library’s $200,000 bequest and put it into the town budget! Working behind the scenes, she pushed Warner to write a Town Board resolution which would have snatched the library’s gift away!
MacIntosh wanted to grab the library money to try to keep the tax increases down!
The Trustees of the Hamlin library had to fight tooth and nail to protect those funds which were designated for building and new books. Luckily for Hamlin, the Trustees were tough and well advised. They refused to sign the resolution. Ultimately, they made MacIntosh and Warner back down and preserved the bequest.
MacIntosh, of course, has never used the library herself! That’s why stealing it’s endowment is compatible with, “ provide valuable services.”
* * * * *
He doesn’t even know the NAME of the thing he’s supposed to be writing!
Hutchinson has “chaired” this committee for over two years and the document is not yet delivered!
The old one is 26 pages! In all likelihood less then 20% of it will be changed. How hard can it be? How many years does it take to update 6 pages???
The Blog appreciates some of the problems Hutchinson has had to cope with. A key member of the committee is Hamlin’s Zoning Board Chairman Norm Baas and, as everyone knows, Norm hates to read. It must have been very difficult to move the process along with players like that on the team.
Of course, Gerry doesn’t mention that the public has been prohibited from attending his meetings! All these Warner Republicans spew noise about “open government” but Gerry Hutchinson’s Comprehensive Plan Re-Write Committee is CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC!
Unfortunately for Hamlin taxpayers Gerry’s “vision” will have to wait a while. Under the law any committee closed to public scrutiny becomes “advisory” only. Whatever “plan” he comes up with will have to be entirely re-written by the Town Board! That’s the only way to make it legal!
Hamlin has seen a 10% increase in approved housing in 2005 alone!!! I hope Hutchinson doesn’t dawdle too much longer on “his vision.”
Thursday, September 08, 2005
The Blog asked Molly Clifford, manager of the Duffy-For-Mayor campaign, to estimate the cost of the glossy, four-color flyers Pat MacIntosh is mailing to every Republican in Hamlin.
Clifford judged that EACH PIECE cost about seventy cents to produce and mail. $.70 EACH!
There are about 2400 Republicans registered in Hamlin. Many are two Republican households but about half are not. This means that the MacIntosh flyers are being mailed to about 1800 addresses. 1800 homes x 4 flyers x $.70 equals $5040!
Five thousand bucks! And there will probably be more!
No doubt Pat wants us to believe she is a, “fiscal conservative.”
The latest flyer has a picture of all the endorsed candidates with Maggie Brooks and carries a “message” from her. Brooks says, “My highest priority as your County Executive is property tax stability.”
Maggie Brooks campaigned to lower taxes, promised to not cut services and pledged to balance the county budget. Immediately upon her election she raised property taxes by about 16% (the single largest hike in county government history,) she cut services and failed to balance the budget.
Thanks for the endorsement!
MacIntosh pledges, “ keep town taxes stable so that Hamlin will remain a desirable place to live and raise a family.” However, for the five years she worked for Austin Warner town taxes increased every year! If you read her literature or talk to her boosters they will tell you that it was actually MacIntosh who designed and administered the town budget. That means it was actually MacIntosh who raised your taxes five years in a row.
The truth is that Pat MacIntosh and Austin Warner never could manage the Town Budget. That’s why she needs to try to BUY this election!
With the help of a few lousy endorsements and a lot of county money!
Click here to see the latest Liar Flyer.
Yesterday automated phone messages by Maggie Brooks began hitting Hamlin homes. These cost around .13 - .15 cents per call. Times 1800 homes! Why is the County so desperate for MacIntosh to win this primary? After all, the other challengers are REPUBLICANS TOO!
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
They learned that average Hamlin Republicans were extremely dissatisfied with the Warner administration, it’s policies and it’s failure to lead the town in a positive direction. County GOP leaders learned that change was imminent. They heard that most Republicans would not support Austin Warner’s hand-picked candidate, his secretary, Pat MacIntosh.
Upon learning this they summoned local Republican leadership to find out what was happening.
The Monroe County Republican machine is much like a union “closed shop.” They are organized in a hierarchical fashion, similar to an army. Like the military, they expect and demand absolute loyalty and obedience. A structure like this cannot tolerate variations. The edifice is bound by an understanding that every unit unquestioningly supports the decisions and actions of every other. This is a rigid, inflexible command structure.
This is one reason why it is so very successful in electing candidates and such a failure at helping citizens. The Monroe County Republican Committee is about getting and keeping POWER. Legislative power. Principally the power to direct tax dollars into projects which profit their supporters and financiers.
Even a cursory review of the top donors to county Republican campaigns reveal the obvious relationship between construction companies and legislation creating construction projects. The county GOP is owned and operated by business- big corporations.
Look at the pointless “Renaissance Center.”
Or Haliburton. Republicans stealing from the taxpayers and handing and it to their friends in business- the worst kept secret in America.
This rigid system can only function properly when each unit acts in concert with all the others. So when the County GOP machine found out that there was overwhelming dissension by Republican voters toward the existing administration and its endorsed candidates they reacted in the only way they could.
They committed thousand and thousands of dollars in an effort to get those endorsed candidates elected.
Never mind whether they were good or bad, effective, educated, visionary. None of that junk mattered. All that mattered is that the party structure be preserved. Since Austin Warner and his little clique of 15 or 16 old-time players control the local Republican committee, they stood to receive the full financial backing and campaigning clout of the Monroe County Republican machine.
That is exactly what has happened.
Last week Republicans were mildly surprised to receive a glossy 8 x 10, four-color, two-sided, flyer in their mail. Many were even more surprized when they received another one two days later. Then everyone was startled when a THIRD glossy 8x10 arrived yesterday.
There will probably be another one too.
Normally, campaign literature carries identification of who has paid for the product and the mailing. These flyers are unidentified! They have only this message, “Not paid for at taxpayer expense.” Yesterday’s mailing featured a photo of Supervisor Warner and his hand-picked successor Pat MacIntosh. The banner headline said, “A Personal Message from Supervisor Warner.” This mailing is exclusively a campaign piece for Ms. MacIntosh yet it has no mention of the sponsor. No where does it say “Paid for by the committee to elect...”
It is almost a certainty that this mailing was paid for by the Monroe County Republicans. In all likelihood it was produced by Steve Minarik’s personal advertising agency as well.
If it was, it violates New York State Election Law. Just like the Hamlin Republican Committee has violated the law.
But hey, “We’re Republicans! Who cares about the law? Who cares about ethics? Who cares about anything but getting our guys elected so we can hand them millions and millions in tax dollars?”
What is the result of Republican governance in America today?
Nationally, we are crippled by a national debt larger then any in history; Bloodied and burdened by a war of aggression with no concept of victory; Revealed to the entire world as a racist nation uninterested in saving the lives of poor citizens; a government greedily dedicated to a predatory plan of “Privatization” and “Global Markets;” a nation which has abandoned the founding principles of fairness and equality in taxation; America is now a nation who’s organizing principle is to find ways of giving more to the wealthiest few at the expense of the rest.
On the county level we hear relentless complaining about a social safety net for our poorest, most vulnerable citizens challenged only by the drumbeat for more tax dollars to build entirely valueless construction projects.
In Hamlin we read lies on campaign literature about “open government,” “lower Taxes,” and “Preserving our Local Character.”
The truth is EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE! But truth is the cost of sustaining Republican legislative power. Lying is cheap and the rewards are so great.
The machine is a great success. Utterly corrupt, throughly immoral, but a huge success.
* * *
Click on link below to see the Warner/MacIntosh flyer.
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Documents obtained by The Blog reveal that the Hamlin GOP has illegally financed Pat MacIntosh!
In a serious violation of New York Election Law the Hamlin Republican Committee has been caught red-handed making illegal contributions to Supervisor Warner’s hand-picked successor. Disclosure Statements, filed with the Board of Elections, reveal that the HRC gave $750 to Warner’s secretary, Pat MacIntosh in her bid to win the upcoming Republican Primary.
“Election Law is very clear on this point,” said an official from the BoE, “Every candidate in a Primary contest must be treated equally. All Party organizations are barred from donating to, or otherwise underwriting, ANY candidate- including the endorsed one!”
A Primary is a special election limited to the enrolled voters of one party. The local committee may endorse a candidate. However, if a person obtains the required number of signatures of party members he or she becomes a legitimate and equal contender.
This year in Hamlin two people are challenging the endorsed candidate. Town Board member Shirley Hollink and retired Naval Captain Dennis Roach are competing for the nomination. Neither one has received anymoney from the local Republican Committee.
Corrupt or simply stupid?
The Disclosure Statement of the Hamlin Republican Committee plainly lists a payment on June 28, 2005 to, “The Campaign to Elect Pat MacIntosh.” The official Disclosure Statement of MacIntosh shows she received the payment the same day.
Some residents are questioning the motives of the HRC.
“Could they be that dumb?” asked one local Republican who asked to remain anonymous, “I mean, they had to know it’s not legal. This isn’t their first primary. They just don’t care.”
Another Hamlin Republican speculated that the illegal contribution reveals how badly the MacIntosh campaign is faltering. “They must be desperate. The Committee know it’s illegal for them to donate but they don’t care about the law. They must be very scared.”
Who are these people?
MacIntosh has received money from some other questionable sources.
* On June 17, 2005 she got $1217.36 from “The Campaign to Elect Austin Warner.” This is apparently the remains of Warner’s personal war chest. Most of that money is left over from $3000 donated by the Monroe County Republican Committee to the HRC in 2003 which was later transferred into Warner’s personal committee.
* $500 was contributed by Angel & Michilina G. Grande of 3 Summer Haven Drive. Readers of The Blog will remember that this was the residence which received a citation from Building Inspector Larry Gursslin which led to his firing. Gursslin found the property to be in violation of Hamlin Zoning code and issued a citation followed by a summons for “failure to conform.” Supervisor Warner came under intense political pressure from neighbors who intimated he would suffer political reprisals if he didn’t force the Building Inspector to drop the matter.
When Gursslin refused to dishonor his oath of office, Warner had him fired by a 3 to 2 vote of the Town Board. Councilman Evans and Paul Rath both stated, on the record, that the dismissal was not legal since it failed to follow the procedures described in the Town’s Employee Handbook.
Shirley Hollink and George Todd joined Warner in voting to terminate.
Gursslin subsequently filed suit against the town for federal civil rights violations, restoration of his job, back pay and other damages. The case is pending before Federal Court in Rochester and will likely result in Hamlin losing it’s Liability Insurance coverage.
* On July 25, Mr. William Sentiff of 188 Creighton Street, Rochester 14612 donated $250 and J. A. Doberstein Jr., PO Box 10252, Rochester, NY 14610 donated $500.
It is likely that these donations came from a pool of contributors maintained by Monroe County Republican Party Chairman Steve Minarik. These are loyal Republicans willing to send money to campaigns which are in trouble. Because the money does not go through the County organization there is no violation of Election law. Not in the letter of the law anyway.
* The Pinewood Country Club, 1189 Ogden-Parma Town-line Road, 14559, kicked in $250 and The Garden Factory, 2126 Buffalo Road, 14624 put in $100. Donations of this type are commonly referred to as “Special Interest.”
Relevant Part of NYS Election Law
§ 2-126. Party funds; restrictions on expenditures.
No contributions of money, or the equivalent thereof, made, directly
or indirectly, to any party, or to any party committee or to any person
representing or acting on behalf of a party or party committee, or any moneys
in the treasury of any party, or party committee, shall be expended in aid of the designation or nomination of any person to be voted for at a primary election either as a candidate for nomination for public office, or for any party position.
Click on links below to see the relevant pages of the Disclosure Statement as .jpeg files.
Statement from MacIntosh Committee showing individual contributors
Statement from MacIntosh Committee showing Hamlin Republican Committee "Transfer"
Statement from Hamlin Republican Committee showing "Transfer" to MacIntosh committee in violation of Election Law
A final note: During January and February of ‘05 the Hamlin Republicans apparently held a series of raffles for fund raising purposes. These were some type of “lottery.” Winners included: Al Campbell $25; Tom Ingraham, $50; and Jim Nesbitt, $25. This is hillarious- THEY ALL KEPT THE MONEY!
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