SELLING HAMLIN OUT- IN SECRET!On Wednesday night the
Hamlin Town Board met secretly with representatives of the Monroe County Water Authority. The meeting was scheduled to discuss other matters and Town Board members were surprised when Austin Warner called for an “Executive Session.” Both the public and the Town Clerk were kicked out of the meeting!
What followed was
a proposal to turn the Hamlin Water Department over to the Monroe County Water Authority!
This idea is not new. Warner discussed it as far back as 1999 when he created the Hamlin Water Committee. That group was charged with persuading
Dave Rose, then Highway Superintendent, to use the Highway Department to install waterlines, something Rose had resisted for decades.
Back then,
Warner claimed that giving Hamlin’s Water Department to the county was a bad idea. He said that it would not save any money, that we would lose important local services, that it would cut jobs, that County waterline installation was too expensive, and most importantly, he said the County would PAY NOTHING to Hamlin for it!
How does Hamlin benefit from having its own Water Department? First,
the service residents receive is excellent. If you have a problem with your water you can be sure someone FROM HAMLIN will be at your door in 30 minutes or less! Second, it was proven, even to the reluctant Rose, that
our Highway Department can install waterlines cheaper then the county or outside contractors. If the county takes over, all the work will go to their contractors and the town will lose tens of thousands of dollars in revenues. In addition, the Highway Department might have to cut jobs. That, in turn will impact snow plowing. Third,
water users will likely pay more in county fees and service charges.
Let’s look at each of these issues:
SERVICE: Our Water Department employees are RESIDENTS. They live in Hamlin, work in Hamlin and pay taxes in Hamlin. If you live in town, then you are never too far when a call goes out for help. Our Water Department employees have provided many services to residents that aren’t “in the manual.” They’ve helped senior citizens change a washer in a faucet; They’ve advised newcomers to the lakeshore about how to winterize their lines to prevent freezing; They advise home builders on the location of waterlines and easements. That is
hometown service.
WATERLINES: Warner had the right idea when he decided that the Highway Department should install waterlines throughout the community. He asked local expert John La Rue to be on the Water Committee. La Rue new the price for virtually every aspect of installation and defeated every objection Mr. Rose made. The Town DOES install waterlines cheaper than outside contractors. More importantly, by having additional summer work, and revenues, the Highway Department can afford to maintain staffing levels sufficient to keep our roads plowed during winter blizzards.
If the County takes over our water, Hamlin will lose at least three local jobs! Three local people, Hamlin residents, forced onto unemployment.
FEES: The Town adds only about TEN CENTS per thousand gallons to the cost of water for providing local service! This charge is added onto what all of us pay for water from the county, so our “savings” would only be ten cents per thousand! But what about other fees? The county charges “rental fees” on meters and there are always new surcharges from someplace for something.
NOBODY in Hamlin will save money on their water bill as a result of switching to the County.What is the motive? Why would Austin Warner spring this idea at this point in time? He has less than two months left on the job. Giving the Department to the County has always been an option, why propose it just as he walks out the door?
This is the $64,000 question.
Nobody knows for sure what Warner is up too. If having a local Water Department was good for the five years and ten months of his “reign,” why is it a bad idea now?
Warner has told Water employees, “The Department is not making enough money.” He admits that it is profitable! That means
it is self supporting and offsets taxes! If the problem is that the “profit margin” is not high enough he needs to think it through. Gouging residents is probably not the role of local government.
A little profit is probably just right.
This is important:
Warner is not SELLING the Department, he is GIVING IT AWAY! In other situations the MC Water Authority has pledged or contracted to contribute millions to a community. They have done this in places which could add big profits or where a given town could provide access to other communities further away.
In Hamlin’s case the County has
“promised” to
“help” with funding new waterlines. Why “promise?” What not “agree?”
Why not have a contract stating what they WILL do? Has anyone ever tried to deposit a “promise” in the bank?
Is that the best the Supervisor could do for Hamlin? A “promise” to “help?”
So, if the idea harms residents, puts local people out of work, fails to lower the cost of water- WHY would he do it?We can only speculate.
Some residents think
Warner has been promised a job with the Water Authority after he retires in exchange for the gift.
Some, and this has come from several well connected sources, believe
he wants to hand out a little pork while he still has the power. Apparently there has been a proposal to
install a waterline down Brick Schoolhouse Road. The plan has languished because there simply are not enough residents to make it affordable.
NYS would not approve the water bond and the district would be rejected.
But not if the County “helps!” Who lives on this part of Brick Schoolhouse Road? Why none other than
Judy Hazen! Hazen, of course, is Republican Town Leader and commander-in-chief of the Warner Republicans!
Judy Hazen is the boss of the “Good-Ole-Boys.” Hazen was the person who threatened members of the Hamlin Republican committee at primary time saying, “If you don’t carry a petition for Pat MacIntosh, you are OFF this committee!” While Warner’s planned succession failed miserably,
it would be normal for Warner to disregard the good of the entire community just to provide his loyal supporter with a perk.
Can anyone doubt it?
So next Christmas, when company is over and a waterline breaks in the cellar, call the Monroe County Water Authority. You can speak to a nice friendly tape machine, like when you call
Niagra-Mohawk. Leave a message. They’ll get back to you.
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***UPDATE**** It is widely reported that the reason "The Department isn't making enough money," is because Candidate
Pat MacIntosh MISSED A DEADLINE for a water bill payment and that triggered a PENALTY OF $4000!!!The Blog! will be seeking the records on this!
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PS: This
illegal “Executive Session” dealt with obvious public information! Once again, no member of the Town Board had the courage, the ethics or the moral fiber to stand up and STOP the meeting. No protest, no dissent. Warner declared an illegal act and the Town Board members consent to participate.
Like the guy who drives the car for the bank robbers- they are just as guilty.