Tuesday, November 25, 2003

Ex-Candidate Tonery(Photo courtesy Hester Prynne)

Ask The Loser

The election is over. The public has spoken and now local government faces its first crisis- the subsidized housing development planned for Brick Schoolhouse Road.

There is no evidence of the Warner administration having been pro-active about any problem in Hamlin. Indeed, today’s dilemma is a result of thirty years of lazy, careless Republican administrations staring blankly at their zoning maps, never thinking to reclassify this parcel. Thirty years of warning, and they didn’t act! That’s normal. Of course, during this time they were busy wrestling with issues such as the Wheel Fest, Heritage Day, redesigning the parking lot and the ubiquitous new sign for the Town Hall.

In fact, the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Codes were completely rewritten in 1996! Nobody involved thought to rezone the DeMarco property back to RVL (they were all preoccupied contriving a way to permit Commercial Zoning for Moscow Road, next to the State Park!)

Austin Warner campaigned on two issues: his record and his opponent’s “negative attacks.” He ran a newspaper ad saying that the opposition had no plans (despite a dozen pages of plans posted on the web!) With this in mind, The Blog sought out Warner’s challenger and asked him: “If you were Supervisor, what would you do about the subsidized housing project?” This is Peter Tonery’s reply:

“The first thing would be to retain the best lawyer available. I’d hire a real-property specialist like Allen Knauf or Leon Sawyko, as counsel to the town and Planning Board in the matter. I’m certain that any challenge to this project will end up in court. The most prudent action is to retain high quality legal counsel as early in the process as possible.

Next, assuming this was what was advised. I would help the Planning Board to lay out a comprehensive environmental review process. A Planning Board has little authority to deny a project if it is appropriately zoned. However, it does have an important mandate to protect the environment. It is my belief that the proposal, with all of it’s phases, will have such a significant impact on the environment that it should be denied. This is what I would ask the Planning Board to examine.

With our attorney, and the Planning Board, we would schedule a thorough and detailed review process. Each step of the review would be charted. Steps such as: Determining a Lead Agency; Identifying Involved Agencies (Including Interested Agencies, Local Agencies, etc.); Making a Determination of Type; Seeking a Full EAF; Reviewing the EAF; Determining significances; Scoping; Segmentation; Naming Companies or Consultants for Data collection (including bidding if needed); Assembling data; Production of a full EIS; Distribution and discussion of potential mitigation; Public Hearings; Determination and acceptance or denial of permits. Many of these stages are time consuming, often the law allows up to 60 days for a particular stage to be examined. This is only a partial listing of steps and actions which should be undertaken.

I believe that there are many, and extensive, impacts to the local environment from this project. There is a significant change in character to the neighborhood; there are complex issues of drainage; nearby, in the parcel donated to the VFW, environmentally sensitive flora has been identified; the area may have an archeological importance- the list of impacts is quite long.

The town is obligated, under the law to “take a hard look” at all potential environmental impacts. I would, with legal guidance, undertake to accomplish that.

I would add that, according to my understanding, the developer of this project may already be in violation of NYS Environmental Law in that they have begun clearing land without first undertaking the SEQR process. If I were Supervisor, I would have required the Building Inspector to examine the property and directed the developer to cease any actions upon it if the process was not being followed. If the developer has undertaken any actions which are not permitted without SEQR approval, then I would also require the Building Inspector to issue citations and seek to prosecute those violations to the fullest extent possible.”

Of course, that’s just how I would do it.”

The Blog invites Supervisor Warner to respond to us via Email (we will publish the response in full, without editing,) or in a letter to another publisher. While the election is over, the community might still like to see the differences between the candidates and their approaches to confronting difficult problems.

The Blog thanks citizen Tonery for taking the time to share his ideas and expertise with the community. We look forward to seeing how the reelected Supervisor will handle the situation. The Blog will work follow this situation carefully to access whether the campaign allegations of “incompetence and mismanagement” were “negative attacks” or legitimate assertions of the obvious.

Sunday, November 23, 2003

Thursday, November 20, 2003

Welcome to Hamlin!

No Answers From Developer

Politeness mixed with hostility at last Monday’s informational meeting for the proposed subsidized-housing development to be built on West Fork and Brick Schoolhouse Roads. The gym at the Town Hall was full as residents turned out to hear the presentation made by representatives of Dimarco Builders and their management company, Baldwin.

Much of the anger about he plan stems from the belief that the development will have a profound negative impact on the community. One resident after another questioned how Hamlin’s tax base will be impacted. They wanted to know if the proposed units would be taxed the same as ordinary homes, or if they would be exempt. Baldwin was either unable or unwilling to answer the questions. Other residents took issue with the potential impact on the Brockport School District. More than one hundred “low-income” starter-type homes will bring a significant increase in school and transportation demands. Residents wanted to know if the community will be left to pay for this increase in services if the houses are subsidized and not taxed normally. Again, Baldwin could not or would not say. They were clearly unprepared for the issue.

Other residents were upset about the proposed six acre “pond” the developer plans to create to hold the water run-off from this normally wet land. Dimarco wants to “donate” this retention pond to the town. Many residents wondered why the town should assume the responsibility, and liability, for such a large, artificial body of water. No satisfactory answers were offered as to why the Hamlin taxpayers should assume the liabilities. Others wondered how this huge development (about 135 acres in total) was going to drain, and the impact on homes in Lake Breeze where the water must eventually travel.

Residents also raised questions about the impact on other kinds of community services. People questioned how the ambulance, fire and police demands will be affected. Baldwin was asked to identify if the ordinary renters in this type of property would be employed. They wanted to know how services ordinarily billable to insurance companies, such as ambulance use, would be paid for if the residents were unemployed and without insurance. Baldwin declined to say if they or Dimarco would help underwrite the increased demands.

Most residents who attended the meeting left disappointed and frustrated by the lack of answers and detail. They went into the meeting hoping to hear something positive about the proposal and left fearing that its “negative impact” will be even greater than they had imagined. Other residents felt that they, and the town, had been treated very poorly. They were upset that they had come out to a meeting where the presenters were unprepared to answer questions. The overwhelming feeling was that the developer and management company were absolutely determined to build this subsidized housing with or without the approval of the community. (This report was based on interviews with numerous Hamlin residents who attended the meeting.)

Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Go Wolvies!

Michigan named “Official College Football Team” of Hamlin.

Hamlin Supervisor, Austin Warner III announced yesterday that Michigan State had been selected as the "Official College Football Team" for the town.

"I am always on the lookout for ways to bring in extra income for the community, “ explained Warner. “I saw how there was ‘Official this’ and ‘Official That’ and I thought-‘Hey, maybe we could do something like it.’”

Asked why he selected Michigan as opposed to, for example SUNY Brockport or the University of Rochester, Warner exclaimed with a hearty laugh and crooked smile, “Oh that... oh that’s a funny story!”

Still chuckling he explained. “ I met Dan Dierdorf on a plane a few months ago and we exchanged business cards. When I got the idea for an official team, I just called him up!”


“Well, I didn’t get to speak to him, he was traveling, but I explained it to his office.”


“Well, a few days later, I got a check in the mail for fifty bucks!” exclaimed the Supervisor. “Believe me, it was the easiest fifty I ever made!” Laughing and spraying he continued, “I think Dierdorf probably thought I wanted money for a charity or something. I doubt he even knew what it was for!”

Did the Supervisor think that there might have been a better offer out there somewhere? “Oh no, I don’t think so. I mean, ‘Official College Football Team of Hamlin?’ Who would actually be dumb enough to do that?!’

The smile vanished from Warner’s face and he muttered, “Well, wait a minute, who do I know from Ohio State?” (EDITORS NOTE: The Blog is aware that the school is not Michigan STATE!)

Saturday, November 15, 2003

Where is Everybody?

The story in this week’s Brockport Post about Hamlin’s town budget for 2004 was very interesting. It revealed that Supervisor Warner has once again raised taxes, but he’s not quite sure why. It discussed the confusion of both the Town Board and the public about the accounting. It exposed the fact that our budget is managed by Warner’s secretary, not himself. It suggests that Warner doesn’t understand the mechanics or legal processes of budget administration. The reporter spoke to several ordinary taxpayers who were active in the process and quotes their concerns.

The number of residents greatly outnumbered representatives from our support boards. Meaning, the support boards in Hamlin don’t pay much attention to either our budget, or any other aspect of town governance. To their credit Jim Brezlawski from the Planning Board and Mark Reeves from Conservation were present.

But where was Norm Baas Chair of the Zoning Board. Where were any other support board members? Why are the people who preside over our interests in process (Zoning, Planning, etc) absent from budget hearings? Do they think they are disconnected from the budget?

One of the major problems Hamlin has suffered for decades is communication. Supervisor Warner claims he has “improved communications.” The fact that few people. elected or otherwise, can understand his budget decisions, and the lack of interest by our support boards, shows that the opposite is true. Maybe keeping the public in the dark is strategic. An ignorant public is a complacent public- good planning in a town with so many line voters.

Friday, November 14, 2003

Please bring Police dogs and trash bags.
Refinancing for your depreciated property will be available.


As advertisied this is an "Informational Meeting." That means two things: 1) The Developer will tell the public about the plan and 2) The Developer will try to find out what the Public's problems and issues are!

Developers often host these meetings as "fishing expeditions," intended to uncover problems. The developer learns what the problems are and then their laywers and consultants bring answers and rebuttals to the Public Hearing that comes later.

The public doesn't have to speak at this meeting. Nobody has to tip off the developer to issues they will have to defend later on. The Planning Board has a relationship with the taxpayer. The Planning Board is legally obliged to consider public input. The developer is not.

Wednesday, November 12, 2003

Rath Wrath

Our Supervisor continues to demonstrate his ignorance of both the municipal budget process and the town’s finances. And, his rudeness too.

If that sounds extreme, ask anyone who attended the public hearing or the Town Board meeting on the budget. They’ll tell you that Warner doesn’t understand fiscal questions and it is his secretary who is the true “Budget Officer” for the town.

During Monday’s regular Town Board meeting, where the budget was passed, Paul Rath persisted in seeking answers to questions he’d been asking for several weeks. Questions Warner couldn’t, or wouldn’t, answer.

For his efforts, Rath was attacked by both Warner and George Todd. They both attempted to bully Rath, not about the questions themselves, but because he was asking them! Todd repeatedly attacked Rath asking, “Why are you asking these questions now? Why now? Is it because of someone’s web site?” The purpose of the attack was to deflect Rath from the issue and try to make him defensive about his motive. The tactic failed. Rath stuck to the issues.

For his part, Warner both badgered and belittled Rath for persisting in clarifying fiscal problems. Warner kept claiming that he’d already answered Rath’s questions. However neither Rath or the public knew what the alleged answers were. Then Warner launched into a childish, mocking tirade about how Rath had missed a budget meeting. In a nasty display of his true temperament, Warner taunted and ridiculed Rath for missing the meeting because he had to care for his children while his wife was out. It was an embarrassing display of immaturity and unprofessionalism by our Supervisor.

For people who carp on “unity” and “working together,” it was an excellent display of the true pettiness and fraud of the local Hamlin Republican party. They’d just as soon slice you up than hear an alternate idea. It was an interesting glimpse into the fascist underpinnings of their closed, oppressive organization.

A clear example of Warner’s ineptness and lack of comprehension about his budget responsibilities was in his response to a question from Rath about changes to the Recreation Committee Budget. Rath wanted to know why funding in the “Playground and Rec” category was so different from last year. Warner couldn’t explain it, neither could Macintosh. When Rath asked what would happen if the “Youth Program” money, which had shrunk from $13,500 to $8500, needed additional funding, Warner replied, “We can just take it from ‘Playground and Rec.’”

Rath’s insistence that it is the obligation of the Town Board to produce an accurate and comprehensive document fell on deaf, unconcerned ears. Warner’s perception of a budget is, “If we need money, we’ll just take it from someplace else.”

This is wrong. It is amateurish and a failure of public trust. The budget is supposed to be proof that the town has been diligent and professional in expending our tax dollars. The “Oh, we’ll get it from someplace else!” philosophy articulated by Warner is proof of his incompetence and carelessness.

Taxpayers should be grateful that there is a Paul Rath on the board who will confront the threat of ridicule and harassment in pursuit of his obligation to protect our money. After Evens leaves, Rath will be doing it alone.

Monday, November 10, 2003

An Open Letter To Town Councilmen

November 8, 2003

Dear Mr. Rath and Evans,

All of us in attendance last Wednesday night witnessed the fiasco know as the annual Public Hearing on our town’s budget. It was a fiasco because it is terribly obvious that our chief executive, the person responsible for producing the budget for the Board’s approval, knows next to nothing about its contents or mechanics.

Both of you asked specific questions which the Supervisor managed to evade answering. Members of the public asked questions with the same results. Ninety per cent of the questions were routed to the Supervisor’s secretary. It quickly became clear that it was she, and not the Supervisor, who was in charge of the budget. She was not elected to the responsibility.

When Supervisor Warner does not like a question, or the pursuit of an answer, he responds in a hostile manner. He will get angry and raise his voice. He will belittle. These inappropriate behaviors seem to be effective. I urge you, as elected officials, not to be intimidated but to pursue answers to the end. There is no real danger, it’s just hollow bluster.

Despite all three of us asking Warner the same question regarding the use of income from the Cable TV tax, no one is any more enlightened then when we began. It appears that this money is simply income, and must be treated in the same way as any income. It must be merged into the general funds. How and why Supervisor Warner views it as "special" and outside normal processes is a mystery. Despite his assurances that the money will be treated as a special fund that the entire Board will vote to use, I don’t believe him.

The money is not “special” and should have no such designation. You should challenge the Supervisor to produce evidence that he is empowered to treat this money in a fashion different from other revenue sources. You should demand that he reveal the accounting practices he claims he is following which have created the notion of “special” monies.

Warner called this money by several terms and none of them seem correct. He called them "surplus" during his campaign. He referred to them as "reserve funds" and "special funds" during the meeting. I don't believe he knows the differences. You should educate him. It is a lot of money, almost $100,000!

You have the public trust. You are separate and individual from the Supervisor. You were elected by the public, you are not employed by the Supervisor. It is your duty, your obligation to clarify any issue with regard to how our tax dollars are managed. Not insisting, or retreating from questioning, is a failure of that responsibility.

Mr. Rath, you have an additional burden in this matter. As a professional accountant your oversight on the budget process must have been a consideration of the voters when you were elected. Your expertise is important to the taxpayers. When the Supervisor begins to invent new or aberrant accounting practices, we depend on you to intervene. You cannot escape this obligation. You are our best oversight.

I ask you Councilmen to assert yourselves in the upcoming vote on the 2004 budget. I ask that you refuse to approve the budget until you, and the public, are satisfied that all accounting, policy and practices questions are answered unwaveringly. You must get the policies on the record, and on paper.

I ask too that you do not vote to pass the budget until and unless the chief executive agrees to implement a new, modern and comprehensive accounting method. The flimsy ten page document the State insists on is nothing more than a summary, it is no substitute for detailed, professional accounting. Establish a deadline for implementing and, to the degree you are able, indicate some action you will take in the event the Supervisor fails to meet this obligation.

A new professional accounting method will enable transparency in the spending processes of the town. This is desperately needed and long overdue. Can either of you honestly claim to have a sufficiently intimate knowledge of the Supervisor’s spending to guarantee the public that it is done within professional and legal standards?

In this week’s Brockport Post George Todd and the newly elected Board member, Dave Rose, pledge of “unity” and to “pull together.” What we, the public, have learned from the past is that “unity” means silence and “working together” means predetermined unanimity. The citizens deserve better. You are obliged to deliver the best public service you as an individual can, not subservience to another elected official. The public is often best served through dissension and debate than blind obedience.

Don’t support what you know to be wrong.

Peter Tonery

Sunday, November 09, 2003

"It'll create jobs in Brockport! (Minimum wage with no benefits!)

Saturday, November 08, 2003

Received by Certified Mail 11/08/03

Dear Ken,
Please evaluate the SLAP suit statutes while you're at it.

News From Trash Town!

Ed Evans has graciously supplied The Blog with this story. It is a letter he wrote to the paper way back in the early 1980"s about the history of the development we know as the Hamlin Terrace Apartments. It provides some important insight into the evolution of the project. The project which is now poised to ruin Hamlin forever.

It does not explain why the parcel was not rezoned in 1996 when the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Laws were rewritten. It does not explain why the parcel has not been rezoned in the 10 months that Austin Warner's closed Zoning Committee has been holding meetings.

The explaination for these failure is the same as before Tuesday. The local government is asleep at the wheel. Warner likes to cry about his hurt feelings, but if he, and the tired old retreads the Republicans keep electing to office, had some brains, some forsight, some energy, some VISION- then this 140 acre parcel would have been rezoned to R-VL years ago.

(Where was Dave Rose at the time of these stories?)

I suggest that if Trash Town gets built, we rename Hamlin Stupidville, not just in honor of those who keep getting reelected, but for those staunch supporters who keep casting the votes.

I hope the property owners living near Trash Town who sported Republican signs on their lawns this year enjoy their new neighbors- and their new property values. Good job folks!

The link below is to the .jpg of the opinion letter.



Seven bucks to get in? That's Highway robbery!

Revenue Sources Revealed; Speeders Relieved

I believe in giving praise where praise is due. Kudos to Justice Richard Moffet.

During the recent Town budget hearing, I asked how the town could project a 20% ($5,000) increase for the budget category - “Fines and Forfeitures.” Being the skeptic that I am, I thought that must have meant an increase in tickets and arrests! Thus my comment, "Better watch your speed buddy!" When I asked how the money would be reaised I was told that, “One of the Justices has increased the amount of fines," or words to that effect.

Somehow, Justice Richard Moffett found out I had asked the question and made the comment. He also learned that I had been given the wrong explanation. Justice Moffett called me not once (I was at work and he left a message) but twice! He wanted to ensure that I understood where the increased revenue was originating. Moffett, a retired Monroe County Deputy, knew that a portion of the revenue generated by fines from violations issued by the State Park Police, belongs to the Town! Apparently, this fact was not previously known by Town officials.

Fortunately, thanks to Justice Moffett's knowledge and expertise, this added revenue is now being correctly funneled into the Town's coffers, and not the State’s. Well done Justice Moffett. It's reassuring to know that some elected officials have their act together!

Fair winds and following seas!
By D. Roach

The author used to drive fuel tankers. Large ones.

Friday, November 07, 2003

A Message to Our Loyal Readers- Disaster is On The Way!

A great deal is happening in Hamlin right now. In fact, there are developments which will, if they go through, change the character of our community forever. Our town is just about to be ruined. I am not exaggerating. There is a plan to build a HUGE low income housing project right in the center of town which will destroy any possibility for Hamlin to become an upscale, prosperous suburb. This plan is so bad, so detrimental to the future and existing community, that I find it hard to describe.

And, you can be assured, our town leaders- the Town Board, the Planning Board, the Zoning Board and town attorneys- are completely unprepared to deal with it. Unless the public acts immediately, Hamlin is going to turn into “Trash Town,” and FAST! Everyone who reads this story should call at least five friends and ask if they are aware of the planned low-income housing development- which is already breaking ground behind the Hamlin terrace apartments! Ask them what they know about it. Then, every one of you should call the Town Supervisor at 964-8981 and demand an explanation. You can also get further information from Mike Marchetti at Burke's Hardware, he has a copy of the plan, and was at the Planning Board meeting last Monday.

This is a huge project, the area is zoned “Residential-High Density,” or the same lot sizes as Huntington Park! There are hundreds of units planned. It will be located on the south side of Brick Schoolhouse Road, in sight of Saint Elizabeth’s Church. Unlike Huntington Park, where homes cost from $75,000 to $100,000, these units will sell, NEW, for $30,000 to $39,000! That’s because they will be SUBSIDIZED!

There is a whole lot to this story, and the Blog must get all the details to report in depth, and that might take a day or two. This is a real threat to the future of the town. The development is being built by DeMarco’ Builders and, here is the most unbelievable part- THE TOWN HAS BEEN AWARE OF THE PLAN SINCE THE 1970'S!!! When we complain about a “do-nothing” town board here is extraordinary proof of it!

The very, very sad part is this: because the TB is so inept, they will not know how to react and prevent this disaster. They won’t hire experienced outside specialist attorneys; they won’t demand that the Planning Board block the construction, they won’t do anything. They don’t know how to deal with an issue with this level of urgency and sophistication. Just watch.

My regrets to any home owner living within a mile of this development. Your property values just fell through the floor. Time to move.

I will have much more on this topic as I collect the data. I promise!

Warner the Berserker

The tales of the Supervisor’s anger management problem continue to mount. Anyone who works in the Town Hall can tell stories of Warner’s many, hostile tirades. He has verbally abused virtually everyone who has worked there. Current employees will describe these outbursts, but only off the record.

If you want details, you have to go outside. Ask Larry Gursslin, he was subjected to frequent explosions. Ask Jack Prince. Ask Ed Evans. It is well known, and documented, that Warner blames other people for his own mistakes or poor judgement, but what the public isn’t so aware of is that he goes back and verbally assails those who he blames. They are almost always people who work under him.

When this blog reported that hundreds of public records were put out in the parking lot for anyone to help themselves to, the Supervisor “flipped out” on the worker who had been instructed to put them out. Warner refused to accept personal responsibility for a policy or procedural failure, he looked instead for the weakest and most vulnerable employee to blame and berate. A leader would have stood up, apologized to the public, explained the new policy and shouldered the public reprobation. Not Warner, he sought out the poor soul who carried the documents outside and faulted him! [By the way Austin, this story DID NOT originate with that employee. It was reported by a third party with specific knowledge of it! Please, don’t jump on the guy again!]

He screams at outside people too. Salespeople, vendors, reporters, ordinary residents- pretty much anybody who disagrees with him.

To the media, Warner is a joke. Virtually every reporter who has covered Hamlin has at least one story to tell of Warner calling them (or their Editor) and yelling about what they wrote! As you can imagine, this doesn’t do much for the public image of the community. The town of “Angry Man.”

The latest story involves Warner’s tirade over a recent story in this Blog. Warner called a friend of the Blog Editor and was furious about the “Wonder Warner” picture and story below. He wanted this friend to use their influence to have the story taken down. Angry-Man claimed that he wasn’t upset for himself, but because his secretary, Pat Macintosh was included in the story. If that’s true, it will be the first time anybody can remember that Warner has rushed to defend an employee about anything. (Remember, he tried to blame his failure to ask for any ATM money on the Town Clerk!)

The fact is, Macintosh is in the public eye because it became perfectly clear to everyone in attendance at Wednesday’s Town Board meeting that she, and not the Supervisor, is responsible for our Town’s budget. Warner failed to accurately or thoroughly answer ANY question put to him. The entire discussion was deferred to Macintosh. The Supervisor doesn’t know much, if anything, about the budget. It’s Macintosh who runs the finances. Ask any witness to the meeting.

On one hand, Warner pounces on an employee who simply did what he was instructed to do. On the other, he rushes to protect another employee who hadn’t been accused of anything but competence greater than his own? What is the difference?

Inside every bully is a coward, and Angry-Man is no exception. He knows the phone number of the Blog editor but he didn’t have the brass to call himself. He may have guessed, correctly, that his answer would have been laughter.
What's a Few Million Bucks Between Friends?

Having attended my first public hearing to discuss the
Town's 2004 preliminary budget, I wanted to make a few
observations (some, obviously tongue in cheek):

If the discussion and justification of the Town's
Preliminary 2004 Budget can be taken seriously, Hamlin
residents are in for a difficult year. Here's a few
a. The cost of electricity for the Highway Building
is projected to increase by $5700 (up 54% from the
previous year) and the cost of heat for the same
building is projected to increase by $8500 (up 81%
from last year)! The Superintendent of Highways
justifies this increase because of last year's cold
winter! We apparently are facing a frigid 2004.
b. While we're inside our homes trying to stay warm
and watching our cable TVs this winter, we must
realize that our cable franchise fee (TAX) is being
increased by $10,000. Yes, that's the same fee (tax)

that paid for new carpeting and rennovation of the
Town Supervisor's office. (On the positive side, if
you are a library supporter, you'll be pleased to know
that the Town will give the library $13,158.57 from
that special fund - let's applaud that. The library is
probably the best managed public agency in Town and
certainly one of the more valuable assets.) The
unanswered questions are who has access to that
special cable slush fund, how do projects get
submitted for consideration and who approves them???
c. Revenues from fines and forfeitures are projected
to increase 25%! Better watch your speed buddy!

The budget hearing revealed the following which I've
labeled as "funny, if you didn't know better:"
a. The budget category listed as "Personal Services"
is not what might be inferred (chauffeurs, valets,
concubines) but according to the Supervisor, "labor
costs." I found that to be a relief. Wouldn't a
better label be "Personnel Costs?"

b. The cost of printing is going up 56% and the cost
of mailing is going up 14%. But the good news is that
the increase reflects the cost of printing and mailing
that extremely popular "Hamlin Xpress."
c. The budget category "Publicity" has not been
decreased. Thank goodness we can continue to enjoy
the same level of publicity that we have in the past.
d. The budget category "Ethics" has been decreased
from $1000 to zero. (Come to your own conclusion on
this one)
e. Refuse and garbage collection is up $1000 (what
f. No increase in revenue from our cell tower - do
you suppose Verizon isn't making any more money?
g. $7,000 revenue from ESL ATM (but I couldn't find a
category under expenses to tell us how much
electricity it is costing us - however, if everyone
experiences the same electric rate increase that the
Highway Dept. projects, the ATM is going to be an
expensive little convenience)

About 20 interested citizens attended the hearing.

Several, including myself, asked questions. I
probably asked more than I should have but it appeared
otherwise we would have just skipped right through the
budget with little being asked. I have to be careful
because I even asked more questions than Peter Tonery
and I may end up with a reputation. Peter's questions
intelligent and pertinent) were quickly waved aside or
even ridiculed, if he pushed too far. Of course we
all know how negative Peter is! On the serious side,
I was very surprised that only one Town Board member,
Paul Rath, questionned any of the items. Ed Evans
attempted to question parts of the cable tax but was
quickly squelched by the Supervisor. But,is Paul Rath
the only
councilperson with questions or with enough gumption
to ask them? Do the other members just accept budget
inputs (and increases) without question or did they
even look at the budget in advance? Why does the
Supervisor defer most questions to Mrs. MacIntosh?

Finally, in this age of easy-to-use budget software
and spreadsheets, is this the best we can do for a
budget format? Where is the detail? What are the
increases for? Where's the historical data. Why are
only the small percentage increases (2% for board
member salaries) listed and not the significant
percentages (81% for building heat)?

Unfortunately, my overall impression is that this
process mirrors many of the Town's other managerial
efforts - lacking in attention to detail,
conscientiousness, interest in input of citizens, and
professionalism. But hey, we're only talking about
$2.6 mil in appropriations (of which only $1,009,498
needs to be raised from our taxes).

Fair winds and following seas!

This email was sent to the All Hamlin web site from a guy that knows how to drive aircraft carriers.

Thursday, November 06, 2003

Hamlin's New Supervisor

Supervisor Genetic Experiment Project a Success!

Hamlin Republicans acted quickly today after realizing that Supervisor Warner was totally ignorant about the town budget, and that our finances are actually controlled by his secretary, Pat Macintosh.

“We contacted Dr. Evil (Steve Minarik) and explained the problem,” said Al Campbell, Chair of the Republican Committee. “He told us to bring both the Supervisor and Pat downtown immediately and he would fix the problem.”

What happened then is a closely guarded secret. “Dr. Evil is a genius, everyone knows that, but even I wasn’t prepared for these results!” gushed the ebullient Campbell.

The new person, tentatively named Patricia Warner the First will be sworn in as Supervisor on January 2. In the interim, he/she will be acting Supervisor. Asked about the legality of installing an unelected person in the highest local office, Campbell just grinned and said, “You heard about Bush, didn’t you?”

Monday, November 03, 2003

Millard Rathbone III, relaxing.

Yantee Creek Yacht Club Endorses Supervisor Candidate

The owner/operator of the Yantee Creek Yacht Club, Millard Rathbone III, has broken a long traditon of silence on political issues in his hometown and has endoresed Independent and Democratic Candidate Peter Tonery for Supervisor.

"I love their signs!" said the fabulous Rathbone. "Blue and green are my favorite colors."

The flamboyant millionaire, who is well know for festooning his club with garlands and tissue paper animals throughout the year, was a little light on political details. "Oh, you know me, I don't pay much attention to that stuff!" he giggled. "I just saw how that 'other' club had endorsed some people," he stated while frowning and making air quotes, "and I thought I would too!"

Known as the "Commodore" by his "dear friends" Rathbone has been a fixture on the fringes of Hamlin's social scene. "They won't even let me in to the Hotel anymore!" he squealed as he poured a fresh Absolute martinti. "Something about 'getting fresh' or something." Informed that the Hotel had burned down nearly twenty years ago he looked sad and forlorn saying, "Oh, that's too bad. I liked it there." He brightened quickly however, "Oh well, Life goes on doesn't it!"

Asked if he would support his candidate in this year's election, the Commodore replied, "I think so. What do I have to do? No parades I hope, I haven't done one since Mardi Gras in '89, and THAT was a most wicked event!" he exclaimed waving his hands. Told that the reporter meant would he contribute and vote for the candidate he replied, "Well I don't even know the man! Though he does look dashing in that Van Dyke beard. I'm certain I'll vote for him! Where does one do that by the way?"